The Firm

The Firm

QLT Law & Tax: the legal firm that look at the future

QLT Law & Tax was created as an evolution of decades of experience of Quorum Studio a Law & Tax firm to face in a dynamic and modern way the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s legal assistance.

QLT Law & Tax is Expertise

With a team of more than 40 professionals, between Rome and Milan, we guarantee quality assistance in all areas of law. We support our clients in the most complex challenges and in legal contexts that require transversal skills, in 14 areas of practice.

QLT Law & Tax is Innovation

Artificial intelligence, data protection, renewables, environment, labour. We also provide expert advice and assistance on current topics. in frontier areas of law.

QLT Law & Tax is Support
QLT’s experience has been acquired through years of working in synergy with its clients. Our guiding star is the participation and involvement in our clients’ activities. We aim to grow together with the clients and achieve ever greater results in each sector and in international contexts where QLT has a solid and extensive network of legal partners.

Areas of Business



Areas of Business


