Andrea Sterlicchio
De Carli
Senior Associate
Office: Rome
Languages: Italian, English, Spanish
Rome, 1992. Lawyer at the Rome Bar Association.
He graduated in Law at the University of Rome ‘Roma Tre’.
Since 2020, he has worked with Giuffré Francis Lefebvre following various editorial projects and supporting the database services provided by the publisher.
He is a member of the Administrative Law, Energy and Environment, department, providing judicial and extrajudicial assistance in the field of administrative law and related interdisciplinary aspects, with a particular focus on the areas of energy law, the environment, land governance and related authorisation profiles.
With reference to the field of energy law, he gained relevant expertise and experience assisting leading multinational companies operating in the renewable energy sector, offering them support in all phases of the authorisation process (EIA procedures, AU, etc.), in contingencies during the construction phase and in all subsequent activities aimed to the connection to the grid and obtaining incentives from the GSE, also handling relations with the competent institutions and any appeals before the administrative courts. He also takes care of all processes necessary for the sale/acquisition of projects and plants powered by renewable sources. amministrativo.
Since 2024, he has been a member of the Board of Assessment and Verification of Public Investments at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers-Division for Planning and Coordination of Economic Policy.
He is the author of numerous publications on administrative law and administrative procedural law, as well as an editor in collective works, conference speaker and lecturer in training and refresher courses on the same subjects.
He has been a member of the Rome Bar Association since 2022 and is a member of AGAmm-Associazione Giovani Amministrativisti.
– Articolo 200-Contratti di rendimento energetico o di prestazione energetica, in Perfetti (a cura di) Codice dei contratti pubblici commentato, Wolters Kluwer, 2023, p. 1588, ss.;
– Articolo 185-Criteri di aggiudicazione, in Perfetti (a cura di) Codice dei contratti pubblici commentato, Wolters Kluwer, 2023, p. 1486, ss.;
– Articolo 184-Termini e comunicazioni, in Perfetti (a cura di) Codice dei contratti pubblici commentato, Wolters Kluwer, 2023, p. 1483, ss.;
– Italy (co-autore), in The Energy Regulation and Markets Review-12° Edition, The Law Review, 2023, p. 157 ss.;
– Relatore (Italy) nel webinar internazionale organizzato da E.F.E.L.A. (European Federation of Energy Law Associations) e A.L.J.D.E. (Association Luxembourgeoise del Juristes du Droit de l’Energie) dal titolo “Update – after COP 26 – of the Green Deal or Fit for 55% on three climatic aspects: ETS, Renewable and Energy Efficiency”;
– Co-Autore del Dizionario del processo Amministrativo di Freni, Oliverio (a cura di), Giuffrè, 2022;
– Le misure di semplificazione e accelerazione per le fonti rinnovabili, in Tutte le novità del d.l. Semplificazioni 2021, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2021;
– La Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale: modifiche al procedimento “ordinario”, in Tutte le novità del d.l. Semplificazioni 2021, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2021;
– Transizione ecologica e accelerazione dei procedimenti-Introduzione: ratio e finalità degli interventi, in Tutte le novità del d.l. Semplificazioni 2021, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2021