Alessandro Arese

Managing Associate

Office: Rome

Languages: Italian, English


Rome, 1972. Lawyer at the Rome Bar Association.

He graduated in Law at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ in 2000.

He specialises in labour law, dealing in particular with the management of litigation, drafting of judicial and extrajudicial documents and contracts, as well as advising on individual and collective dismissals, social shock absorbers, company re-organisations, company transfers, legal management and application of labour law and national collective bargaining, negotiation and legal management of company trade union agreements.

His professional practise is in favour of both legal entities and individuals, which allows him to address and examine the issues dealt with, from all perspectives.

He has worked as a voluntary collaborator at the School of Specialisation in Legal Professions at the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, dealing in particular with the identification of case studies and the preparation of deeds and acts in the field of Employment Law.

He has been a member of the Rome Bar Association since 2008.


– Tutte le novità del d.l. Semplificazioni 2021, in Officina del Diritto – L’Amministrativista, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, Milano, 2021;

– Il principio di solidarietà, in A. Cagnazzo-S. Toschei-F.F. Tuccari (a cura di), La sanzione amministrativa, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2016;

– Commento all’art. 32, in G. Morbidelli (a cura di), Codice della Giustizia amministrativa, III ed., Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2015;

– Commento agli artt. 75-76, in G. Morbidelli (a cura di), Codice della Giustizia amministrativa, III ed., Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2015;

– Art. 239 (La transazione), in A. Cancrini-C. Franchini-S. Vinti (a cura di), Codice degli appalti pubblici, Utet, Torino, 2014;

– Art. 240 (L’accordo bonario), in A. Cancrini-C. Franchini-S. Vinti (a cura di), Codice degli appalti pubblici, Utet, Torino, 2014;

– Art. 240 bis (La definizione delle riserve), in A. Cancrini-C. Franchini-S. Vinti (a cura di), Codice degli appalti pubblici, Utet, Torino, 2014;

– Art. 246 bis (La responsabilità per lite temeraria), in A. Cancrini-C. Franchini S. Vinti (a cura di), Codice degli appalti pubblici, Utet, Torino, 2014.
