Vittorio Elia
Office: Rome and Milan
Languages: Italian, English
Bari, 1964. Lawyer at the Rome Bar Association.
He graduated in Law from the LUISS ‘Guido Carli’ University in Rome in 1986.
He Matured an experience at the Attorney General’s Office, as well as Head of the Legal Support Office for Concessions and Construction for Autostrade S.p.A and later as Head of the Legal Office for Aiscat – Associazione Italiana Concessionarie Autostrade e Trafori. He was a Partner in an associated law firm and Of Counsel at a major international firm.
He specialises in public and private tenders and contracts, in motorway concessions and tariffs, in administrative law and private contract law, including international law, in project financing, as well as in banking law, capital market and investment banking operations, real estate, legal advisory in mass trading operations of tax credits, npl, utp, healthcare; he assists in administrative, civil and arbitration litigation and in ADR solutions provided for by special legislation for public and private contracts.
He advises motorway concessionaires, large construction companies, public bodies and central state administrations, as well as national and multinational companies in M&A, structured finance, IPOs, debt restructuring and real estate transactions.
Winner of ANCE – National Association of Building Contractors awards for specialisation activities.
Appointed by the Executive to senior public offices and by private groups multinationals for top managerial roles.
He founded the Rivista Amministrativa degli Appalti. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the same Review and of the Rivista amministrativa della Repubblica italiana.
Author of numerous publications and monographs, in the Foro Amministrativo, the Rivista amministrativa degli appalti and the Rivista trimestrale degli Appalti, on the subject of public contracts and motorway concessions. He is a speaker at conferences organised by IGI-Istituto Grandi Infrastrutture and Aipcr – World Road Association, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Luiss.
– Author of the chapters “La valutazione della performance” and “Controllo della spesa pubblica e del costo del riforma del Pubblico Impiego”, of the text “La riforma del pubblico impiego” (Collana “Il Civilista”) by Studio Legale e Tributario Quorum, Giuffrè, Milano, 2017
– Author of the chapters “Profili penalistici” e “Il regolamento emanata dall’ANAC per l’irrogazione delle sanzioni” of the text “Il whistleblowing dopo la l. n. 179/2017” by Francesco d’Amora, Giuffrè, Milano, 2019