Capital Markets

The QLT Law Firm provides assistance and consultancy to corporate issuers, Italian or international banks and financial institutions, collective savings investment organisations, in the context of extraordinary finance and capital raising operations (debt and equity).

In particular, the Firm assists clients in the issuance, placement and negotiation of debt securities (including stand-alone bonds and debt securities issuance programmes, covered bonds, tier 1 and with hybrid capital, equity-linked instruments , warrants and high yield structures), market listings and capital operations (including IPOs and takeover bids, other rights issues, secondary market offerings, private placements, capital increases and delistings), structured finance operations, securitisations, derivatives including swaps, options, as well as structured instrument transactions involving products regulated under the standards of the ISDA or GMRA, and GMSLA.

The consultancy offered includes the organization of recapitalization operations which involve the issuing and listing of shares, warrants, structured, hybrid and convertible bonds. 

The firm also assists listed companies in ordinary activities, in relation to extraordinary transactions, corporate governance aspects, all issues relating to the regulation of financial markets and relations with the competent authorities.

In the field of collective savings management, the Firm assists: SGRs; private equity funds; hedge funds; mutual investment funds; other alternative investment instruments; collective savings investment undertakings (including SICAVs and SICAFs, both open and closed) and UCITS in their establishment, structuring, public regulation and offering, as well as their management, their regulation and their amendment.

Thanks to close collaboration with other specialists from the firm, the Capital Markets department guarantees its clients the convergence of complementary specializations and professionalism, providing a full integrated assistance.